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Monday, January 8th, 2024.


     Peter J. Beauchemin

I went thru your New and Exciting
“The Houston Post” website just now.
I was absolutely thrilled to see what an awesome job you did.

By the time I got to the end, tears were falling on my cheeks as I recalled you telling me about your idea, years ago.
I knew then if anyone could launch an idea like that, it would be you.

Thank you my friend, kids everywhere will soon know what The Houston Post is all about and what an exciting way to spread the word, on their local news worthies and to read about what goes on elsewhere as well.

I will be glad to Share this with my Grandchildren, knowing their reads are in your hands…..





Monday, October 22nd, 2021.

     Hello, my name is Merrilynn and my dogs name is Emi. My son gave her to me and he named her after his boss Emiliano. If you search in the Smorgasbord of Songs section of the paper, you'll find a song written about her called, "She Won an Emi". If you are a student and enjoy singing, why don't you try and record her song. I sure would love to hear it someday.





Monday, October 11th, 2021.

     My puppies will love all you students as much as they love me. This picture is contrived. I had just called their names so they looked up at me right when I snapped the picture. They really do love me but I'm not sure if it's as much as this picture suggests.





Sunday, October 10th, 2021.

     Ginger, Semi and I can't wait to listen to the students singing and playing their band instruments. My puppies might not be able to read or see the pictures you guys draw but they'll love listening to you guys creating music.





Saturday, October 9th, 2021.

     We can't wait to hear a student sing the songs written about us. My name is Ginger (on the left) and my daughters name is Semi (on the right). Look under the blue Songs button and search for the links "Ginger Snaps" and "Semiconductor" to hear the songs. We will be your biggest fans if you sing them to us.





Friday, October 8th, 2021.

     Congratulations on getting published students. Keep writing and drawing every day and you'll see how much better you get. The first one is always the hardest to complete. Everyone you do after will be easier and eventually, they'll become natural.









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